The HappyNest Advantage
24/7 Pickups and Dropoffs
HappyNest operates 24/7. When you schedule our wash and fold laundry service, you can pick any pickup and dropoff time. Laundry pickup and delivery is made at a location of your convenience and even without your presence. Simply pack your laundry bags and tell us how you prefer your garments washed, and we’ll take over from there.
Sanitized Laundry Service
We use powerful but hypoallergenic detergents in our cleaning process. Thus, your laundry gets sanitized 100% to destroy bugs such as MRSA, E.coli, and even the coronavirus. We are the laundry service that wants to keep your family healthy by washing your garments and fabrics to the highest standard.
Eco-Friendly Laundry
If you’re tired of ballooning utility bills resulting from doing laundry at home, schedule our wash and fold laundry service to cut your monthly expenses. We use eco-friendly washing machines and dryers that require less water, power, and detergent. Thus, we’re better than traditional laundromats and at-home laundry because we care about the environment just as much as we care about your laundry.
Affordable Pricing
Since we are the best in town, you may think that our prices are steep. However, we charge the lowest prices. With HappyNest, you get convenience and quality at prices you can afford. We charge by the pound, and you also won’t pay anything for laundry pickups and deliveries. Our prices are lower than those charged by the laundromat at your street corner, but the quality of our services is miles ahead.
With HappyNest, you don’t need to call or text to order our laundry service. That can be done on our app or website. Simply sign up, and tell us about your cleaning preferences, and we’ll do the rest.
Undoubtedly, HappyNest is the laundry service that cares for you. Don’t spend a lot of money on laundry, yet an affordable laundry service is a click away. Sign up today and have your laundry washed by professionals.