Laundry Pickup and Delivery in Brentwood, Tennessee


Why spend your free time in Brentwood, Tennessee doing laundry? Instead, spend your time with family, friends, exploring the parks in the area, or simply enjoying some fresh air. As the sky turns blue, let HappyNest’s wash and fold laundry service take care of that chore for you.

How HappyNest Services Work:

Sign up on HappyNest’s laundry service app for iOS or Android, through the website, or call (855) 335-9274. Once you enter your location, simply choose what plan works best for you. We offer both a scheduled laundry service option, as well as a by request too.

HappyNest offers a variety of options when it comes to our wash and fold laundry services. Not only do you get to choose between our options of detergents, softeners, dryer sheets, and bleaches, you also decide on any particular preferences and folding to your exact specifications.

Laundry shouldn’t be a constant worry in your life. Use our laundry service pickup and delivery to have it cleaned and folded before returning to you the next day.


With over 43,000 people living in Brentwood, the amount of clothing washed in a day seems almost unreal. Picture baskets and baskets constantly on cycle. That doesn’t sound like the most fun way to spend your time. That’s where HappyNest’s laundry services come into play.

With over 31,000 customers served and 314,000 loads washed, we’re ready to take on your loads too. But we’re not just offering pickup and delivery services, but you’re specific laundry washing requirements.

Choose from our detergents: All Free & Clear, Cheer, Tide, Seventh Generation
…our softeners: Downy, Downy Free& Clear, Snuggle, White Vinegar
…and our dryer sheets: Bounce, All Free & Clear

No matter how you like to do your laundry, HappyNest is here to help make the process easier. Our home laundry service is ready to take that chore out of your hands.


Park Stains Won’t Stop HappyNest Laundry Service

Don’t let a little dirt scare you away from having fun. Brentwood offers numerous parks for people and dogs. Granny White Park is home to trails, athletic fields, and a playground. With over 32 acres, there’s bound to be a few mud patches here and there.

But have no fear! With HappyNest’s full-service laundry operation, let your clothes get as dirty as possible. Then just schedule with our pickup and drop off laundry service. Once schedules, all you have to do is place your laundry outside your home when it’s time for the pickup.


No Soap Suds in the Library

If getting dirty isn’t your style, HappyNest is ready for you to use our services while you’re enjoying a good book at the John P. Holt Brentwood Library. Knock off some of those books of your “to read at some point when I have time” list. With HappyNest’s laundry folding service, the only folding you need to worry about is trying not to fold the corner of the books’ pages.

The library also offers activities and events from their Facebook page as well. Learn a new trick or skill. Don’t spend your time waiting for the washer to be done so you can hang up those shirts that shrink in the dryer and then wait for the dryer to finish so you can fold your clothes. Or forget to fold them, leaving them sitting in a laundry basket in the corner of your room. HappyNest’s laundry service is ready to help you claim back your free time. So instead, sign up and let us play the waiting game with your clothes while you enjoy your newfound free time.

HappyNest Takes the Laundry out of Laundry Day

We really will. Don’t dedicate your day to laundry anymore. Instead, dedicate your day to yourself, family, and friends. HappyNest offers pickup and drop off laundry services in Brentwood, TN, so sign up online or call about our services at (855) 335-9274.

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